Locations and Styles from old photographs

On one of my recent photo walks I discovered this kiosk in Passatage del Crèdit, Barcelona was photographed by Henri Cartier-Bresson.

After a lot of searching I found:
This passage was built around 1875 by Magí Rius i Mulet and had previously been the convent of Hope.
Today it still retains its original iron-based structure and a “checkpoint” that corresponded to the concierge of the building.

The painter Joan Miró was born there in April 1893, and the concierge photographed in his kiosk by Henri Cartier-Bresson when he visited the city in 1953.

So I took another photo, this time attempting to capture the reflection of the statue outside the art gallery opposite.

There is a huge difference in the images produced by modern cameras, and Cartier-Bresson didn't use colour.